The probe into racket charges and then the fine.

Montrose Smoked Fish has a "bad boy" reputation as part of its history. In 1935, the Department of Agriculture filed a lawsuit claiming the olive oil being sold was mostly cottonseed oil. In 1944, they were indicted with many other smoked fish firms for price-fixing. In 1950, a major fire that made the front page was “blamed on burglars”.

Unable  to remember even his own handwriting...(while under oath in court)... and pay the fine of $100..."  Fledgling Korchin and later Montrose Smoked Fish had to defend against bogus Trade Organization racketeering.


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Front Page News. Contrary to 1930 news defending against racketeering now accused of racketeering price-fixing. A family descendant mentioned they used to meet at Peter Luger's Restaurant

Cottonseed Oil sold as Olive Oil...


Fish firms sued for violations.

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Montrose Smoked Fish officers, convicted a second time, to Jail


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Fire and burglaries.

In September 1950, a major fire occurred, again making the front page of the newspapers. The article is alleging that it was somehow started by "Burglars". Not that it happened in this instance, but it was an old school Brooklyn practice whereby  you gave the Fire Chief and various City inspectors giant platters of smoke fish towards building a convenient ongoing relationship. Of course they would sign off that the fire was started by "Burglars". Everybody is happy and the insurance papers filed are pretty straightforward. The suggestion is not to attend criminality or create a fishy story but more to give the flavor how matters were done in Brooklyn.



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